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Friday, March 19, 2010


Welcome to the Conservative Punks Blog! My name is Danny Sabella and I grew up listening mostly to punk rock and hip hop. The link between conservatism and these types of music should be clear as day, but unfortunately it is looked down upon to be a punk rocker and also conservative. I believe this is because of the way our generation defines the words Conservative and Liberal. It used to be that conservative meant you stood for less government, while liberal meant that you wanted more government. Think of it in terms of how much peanut butter you put on a PB&J sandwich. If I am liberal with the peanut butter I will use a lot. If I am conservative with the peanut butter I will only use a little. Now the definitions have changed to mean something completely different. Today most people think of a conservative as some old fart who hates gays, black people, loves church and is pro-life. While liberal is a young person who could care less if you are gay, or black, or even gay AND black. To me, it's very sad that these words have been twisted with new definitions. I am anti-war, pro-choice, pro-gay rights and at the same time anti-government. I consider myself a Libertarian. If you are new to the term Libertarian, let me help you out. It basically means that you believe every human should have the right to do whatever they want, as long as it does not impede on the rights of another person to do as they want. I hope to use this blog to share news, videos, and my own thoughts on what is going on in the United States, while providing a place for conservative punks to find information. I will start off with some videos just to get this thing rolling. Thank you for visiting!

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